14:00 - 20:00

Kedd - Szerda - Csütörtök

1026 Budapest

Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 45/b

+36 30 242 2612


XXI. Congress of the Internatoinal Szondi Association, Budapest 6-8 July, 2017, Budapest

Tóth Borbála
Private practice, Sanitas For 2000 Kft. Budapest, Hungary
E-mail: tothborbala@t-online.hu

Genodrama as a possibility of dramatic processing of family patterns and family heritage Goals: In my presentation I would like to focus on the psychodramatic processing of genogram diagnosis.

Method: Genodrama considers the persons in the context of their family relationships. This method contains the diagnosis of genogram (family tree) that is processed psychodramatically. We gain a transgenerational map this way in which the family tree including three generations will give a representation of complex behavioural pattern in the family. In this frame we can face those patterns that are in the background of our present problems and breakdowns.

Results: With genodrama it is possible to reveal those manifest or hidden relationship patterns that are likely to stay hidden from the traditional methods to come to the surface. Genogram is paramount in a group where the person can experience deep emotions in the psychodramatic process. This way the participants are able to anticipate a future fate based on free choices. This process equals to realization of the freely chosen fate defined by Lipót Szondi. I will provide an example of process analysis of a real case in my presentation.

Conclusion: In my experience, the genodrama method made the recognition of familial relationship problems and the inducing of therapeutic changes faster and more thorough.

Key Words: transgenerational behaviour sample, family unconsciousness, system-considerational approach, genogram, geno drama

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